How to Construct Good Affirmations for Manifestation

In this article, we’ll discuss how to construct an affirmation properly. Not all affirmations are equally effective, and there are a couple of principles you’ll need to adhere to.

Now, note that there are no hard and fast rules. I’m not to tell you that this or that affirmation won’t work, but I just know there are ways to optimize them. Constructing a good affirmation can be the difference between outstanding results and insignificant results.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Different ways of constructing affirmations and their respective benefits
  • How to find the best affirmation for you
  • How to ensure that you get results with your affirmation
  • Common mistakes that lead to failure

After you’ve read this article, I highly recommend you read my article “The Secret to Using Affirmations,” where I look in more detail at how to perform your affirmations correctly so that they’ll actually yield results. Many do affirmations in vain and see no results, but this won’t happen if you follow the right procedure.

What Are Affirmations?

Before we look at how to construct an affirmation, I first want to ensure that we are on the same page about what an affirmation actually is. I’ll also briefly explain how manifestation works and what role affirmations play in it.

But first, what is an affirmation?

An affirmation is the assertion of an idea through a statement. The repetition of an affirmation is used to strengthen an, often positive, idea in the subconscious mind. Through this process, affirmations can be employed to “reprogram” the subconscious, deliberately nourishing beliefs and attitudes that align with one’s personal goals and desires.

With that in mind, let’s now briefly go over the role of affirmations in manifestation.

Understanding How Affirmations Work In Manifestation

To understand how affirmations work, we first need to understand the general gist of manifestation.

The Subconscious Mind and Manifestation

Conscious manifestation works in this way:

  1. First, you choose your object of attainment.
  2. Then, you impress this intention on the subconscious.
  3. If it’s accepted and undertaken by the subconscious, the intention will begin to realize itself externally through the hidden powers of the subconscious. In other words, the purely mental ideal you had will manifest as tangible reality.

The current “you” and all your personal attributes are determined by the sum total of suggestions implanted in the subconscious.

But the subconscious acts beyond the scope of just “you.” Your external reality — events, circumstances, opportunities, etc. — are also directly controlled by your subconscious. The physical world is not as robust as it seems; it is really only an extension of yourself. It is like a mirror reflecting your internalized states of consciousness.

If your subconscious thinks, “I am poor,” your reality will reflect that state. If you suggest the idea of wealth, and the subconscious undertakes that idea and thinks, “I am rich,” your physical reality, like a mirror, will reflect that state, too.

To change your life, you’ll need to go within, into this hidden power of the subconscious, and then plant your desire like you would a seed. This is where affirmations come in!

Where Does Affirmation Come In?

So, where do affirmations come in in all this? Well, as explained, to make any sort of change in your life, whether it has to do with you only or it has to do with your external conditions, you need to implant a new idea within the subconscious. And affirmations serve as a means through which you can do this.

Repeating an affirmation over and over forces you to think the idea affirmed. If you keep affirming the particular intention (e.g., “I am confident.”), then there will not be room for any other thoughts in your mind, and you are, in a sense, momentarily hypnotized by that affirmation. By repeating a phrase like “I am confident, I am confident…” you think it, and this causes the idea to take root in the subconscious. Through repeated practice, the idea will strengthen its roots and will then begin to realize itself as fact; you are actually becoming a more confident person.

Not All Affirmations Are Created Equally

For an affirmation to be effective, you’ll need to construct it in the right way.

The reason is that depending on how you’ve phrased your affirmation, it will be easier or harder for it to be internalized into the subconscious. There are ways in which you can construct an affirmation so that it’s more readily accepted.

As well as that, if the internalization is to happen, the internalization of a properly constructed affirmation leads to outstanding results, whereas the internalization of a poorly constructed affirmation leads to poor results. Even worse, you might end up constructing an affirmation that implies the negative, an affirmation that will produce the opposite of what you intended for.

All things considered, you simply need to approach your affirmations the correct way. Yes, the manner in which you perform them is important, but so is the implication of the affirmation itself. Don’t worry, this is not as hard as it seems. Just make sure to follow the principles laid out below.

Constructing Good Affirmations (With Examples)

Now, I want to reemphasize that there are no real hard and fast rules for this. But here are, nonetheless, five important principles to consider for optimizing your affirmations as much as possible.

An affirmation should be:

  • In the present tense or in the process of happening
  • Focused on the positive as much as possible (i.e., “I am healthy,” not “I am not sick”)
  • Easy to recite and repeat
  • Focused on the desire
  • Believable — Are you able to believe this?
  • Devoid of doubt

Present Tense

When constructing affirmations, the use of present tense is crucial. An affirmation like “I will be successful” places your success in an indefinite future. Instead, affirmations should be in the present, such as “I am successful now” or, alternatively, “I am becoming more and more successful every moment.” The latter phrasing, “I am becoming…” has a specific advantage, as it is often more believable and more easily will bypass the critical factor.

This distinction is important because affirmations work best when they align with your belief system (which I will explain in a bit). If you state, “I am rich,” but internally feel it’s unattainable, your affirmation will create internal conflict. This is where “I am becoming…” or “I am achieving…” becomes powerful. These phrases suggest a journey or process that your mind can more readily accept. Instead of antagonizing your current situation, they acknowledge it while also suggesting a progressive upward movement. It’s a subtle shift from a static state (“I am rich”) to a progression (“I am rapidly becoming richer and richer”).

Despite the effectiveness of “I am becoming…” phrasings, present tense affirmations like “I am successful” have their place, especially in deeper states of meditation where you’re in an altered consciousness. In such states, they’re, perhaps, more effective than the “I am becoming…” ones, as the critical factor is lessened, leaving the subconscious more receptive. In these suggestible states, affirmations phrased as current realities can bypass skepticism and seed directly into your subconscious.

Both “I am” and “I am becoming” phrasings have their benefits. Choose the one that resonates more with you and the particular object aimed for.

Focus on the Positive

When crafting affirmations, your own attention should not be so much on getting rid of a wrong condition as on cultivating the desired replacement, the “Yes-idea.” This can be challenging, especially when addressing a negative aspect you’re working to change.

Instead of saying, “I am not a loser,” focus on what you aspire to be, like “I am successful” or “I am becoming more successful each day.”

In situations where you cannot avoid mentioning the negative, include the positive remedy right after. For example, instead of saying, “I am not anxious,” an effective affirmation would be, “My anxiety is rapidly lessening and being replaced with growing calmness and confidence.” This method acknowledges the current challenge (anxiety) but immediately redirects focus towards the positive outcome (calmness and confidence).

Affirmations work because they direct thought. Making your affirmations overall positive encourages thoughts of happiness, self-confidence, and success, which reprograms your subconscious correspondingly.

Ease of Repetition

While this is important, note that it is possible to make long “affirmations” (where you are basically talking to the subconscious as if it were a separate being) without repeating them. But short, simple, and easy-to-repeat affirmations have a great impact, which you’ll no doubt see in practice.

So, when constructing affirmations, consider their ease of repetition. Affirmations should ideally be simple enough for effortless, continuous repetition so that you can turn off your conscious mind and gabble them like a child with little to no care for the pronunciation.

The repetitive nature of an easily spoken affirmation also acts like a lullaby on the conscious mind, soothing it into a trance-like state. This gentle, rhythmic repetition serves as a form of self-hypnotism, lessening the conscious mind’s inherent skepticism toward new ideas and opening the gates to the subconscious.

For instance, an affirmation like “I’m at peace” is short, memorable, and can be repeated smoothly. It’s easily understood, even by a young child, and possesses a natural rhythm that relaxes.

Ideally, it should be a phrase that you feel flows effortlessly and that demands little effort for you to repeat. The more effort you use, the more the barrier of the conscious mind awakens. This has its basis in the Law of Reversed Effort.

Another example of an affirmation that does this well is the famous “Day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better,” constructed by Émile Coué. He meticulously constructed it in this manner so that it could effortlessly be repeated over and over and so that it produced a lulling influence on the subject.

Therefore, the ideal affirmation should be straightforward and easy to articulate, with a rhythm that is calming and soothing, enhancing the practice and effectiveness of the affirmation.

No Doubt

The language of your affirmations should reflect certainty of the object affirmed.

Build your affirmations with bricks of confidence and conviction rather than of doubt or uncertainty. Phrases like “I would like to…” or “I hope to…” introduce an element of doubt and longing into your affirmations. These phrases give the suggestion to yourself that you are unsure of your goals or that you don’t fully believe in your ability to achieve them. If a doubtful affirmation is “taken” by the subconscious, it will return you more longing and desire.

Instead of saying, “I would like to be more confident,” say, with conviction, “I am [becoming more and more] confident.” Of course, this also has to do with your tone of voice (mental voice included), but that we will look at in a later article.

Believability — Are You Able to Believe This?

An essential component of an effective affirmation is its believability. When crafting your affirmations, it’s important to ask yourself: “Do I truly believe that I can do this?” The affirmation must resonate with your sense of reality and possibility. If an affirmation feels too far-fetched, it can be more challenging for your subconscious mind to accept it as a truth, which diminishes its effectiveness.

Faith plays a pivotal role in manifestation. The subconscious mind operates on your stored beliefs and experiences. If you state something that you reject as impossible, your affirmation will hit a barrier, preventing it from taking root within.

For example, affirming “I am a billionaire” may seem too unrealistic if you are currently facing financial struggles. Due to the opposing belief, your mind would immediately call forth thoughts of “This will never happen,” nullifying the positive affirmation.

The key is to find the sweet spot where your affirmations are aspirational yet still within the realm of what you can believe is achievable. Stretching your belief system is part of growth, but there should be a foundation of belief in the possibility of what you’re affirming.

A Three-Step Formula for Constructing an Affirmation

Here’s a convenient formula for constructing your affirmations. It’s by no means mandatory, but it is, nonetheless, effective.

  1. Immediate improvement — For example, “From this day forward, I am…,” I am now…” or “I am becoming…”
  2. Rapid progress — Include things such as “rapidly,” “day by day,” and so on.
  3. Complete and permanent cure — Using words such as “lasting,” “permanent,” “ever-increasing,” and so on.

You do not necessarily have to include step three in your initial affirmation. If, for example, your affirmation is “Day by day, I am rapidly becoming stronger in all ways,” you can, after having repeated it to a satisfactory extent, close the whole session by affirming, “This will now be a permanent part of me,” or “This is now deeply ingrained, encrusted, and imprinted in my subconscious.”

Note that after the first session, where you may have used “From this day forth, I am becoming more and more…” or similar, follow it up the next session by affirming the particular thing as already happening, such as “I am continuing to become more and more…”

Constructing A Broad Affirmation — The Tide That Lifts All Boats

A broad affirmation can act as a foundation for other, more specialized affirmations. Think of it as the tide that lifts all boats. Creating an affirmation encompassing general well-being and improvement sets the stage for all areas of your life to elevate simultaneously.

The analogy of a tide that lifts all boats is particularly apt here. When the tide rises, it doesn’t just lift one boat; it raises all boats in the harbor. Similarly, a broad affirmation boosts your overall sense of self, increasing your belief and self-confidence across the board. This general leveling up has a ripple effect on your specific affirmations tied to particular goals or desires.

Emilé Coué’s famous affirmation, “Day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better,” is a perfect example of this. In fact, Coué found that he didn’t ever need to make particular suggestions on the subject as the general formula accounted for all ailments.

An affirmation as this gives free rein to the subconscious and full control to improve everything in its own way. Because of this freedom, broad affirmations often yield better results than particular ones, as well as other improvements in ways you may have never consciously considered.

As mentioned, by raising your overall state of being with a broad affirmation, you create a fertile ground for more specific affirmations to take root and flourish. You become more receptive to internalizing affirmations that are directly linked to your specific aspirations because your overall confidence and belief in both yourself and in this process are now lifted. While specific affirmations are great in targeting particular goals, a broad affirmation serves as a universal enhancer, improving everything. It’s like tilling the ground before planting the seeds — the healthier the soil, the better the seeds will grow.

Single Word Affirmations (with examples)

Let’s explore something quite intriguing — single word affirmations. These are your mental power-ups condensed into one potent word.

The secret lies in the delivery. Say it slowly, thoughtfully, like savoring a fine flavor. Take “calm,” for example. When this word permeates your mind, it transforms itself into a state of being, and you find yourself becoming “calm.”

This is not unlike a mantra like “Ohm,” recited in Eastern tradition. Words like “joy,” “strength,” “love,” “freedom,” or “happiness” can be used similarly to traditional mantras.

Sit down, relax, and recite the particular word slowly, drawing it out to its full length and holding a short break between repetitions. Gradually, this word becomes the only thought in your mind; it becomes the dominant idea. If this practice is done regularly, like with regular affirmations, the word recited will gradually transform itself into a subconscious state.

Other Examples

Now, you hopefully have a good idea on how to construct affirmations, and perhaps you’ve already made some of your own.

Below are a couple of examples related to wealth, love, general improvement, confidence, success, and productivity, as well as affirmations designed to engrain and make suggestions permanent.

I have not included too simple ones such as “I am wealthy” or “I am becoming wealthier and wealthier,” though they undoubtedly are effective too.


  • “Abundance flows into my life effortlessly and continuously.”
  • “Every day, my relationship with money becomes healthier and more prosperous.”
  • “Wealth comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.”
  • “I am a magnet for financial opportunities, and wealth naturally gravitates towards me.”
  • “My actions create constant prosperity.”
  • “I am worthy of financial security and abundance.”
  • “Prosperity is attracted to me and I am open to the wealth life offers.”


  • “I am attracting a loving, supportive, and caring partner.”
  • “My heart is open to giving and receiving love.”
  • “Every day, my relationships grow stronger and more fulfilling.”
  • “I radiate love and receive it back manifold.”
  • “Healthy, joyful relationships enrich my life.”
  • “I deserve love, and I find it in abundance in all areas of my life.”

General Improvement:

  • “Day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”
  • “I am rapidly leveling up in every way.”
  • “Growth and improvement come naturally to me.”
  • “I constantly improve in every way.”
  • “I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.”
  • “I radiate good health, happiness, and well-being.”
  • “I make the best choices for myself.”


  • “Confidence is my second nature.”
  • “I trust in my abilities and make decisions with confidence and wisdom.”
  • “I am becoming more self-assured, courageous, and assertive.”
  • “I am confident in my unique abilities and talents.”
  • “I am worthy of respect and acceptance.”
  • “My inner strength grows stronger each day.”
  • “I am fearless in the face of any challenge.”


  • “Success is a natural outcome of my hard work.”
  • “I am creating a path of success in all my endeavors.”
  • “Every challenge is an opportunity for success.”
  • “I am destined for success in all my endeavors.”
  • “Every step I take is leading me to greater success.”
  • “I am focused, persistent, and will achieve my goals.”
  • “Success flows to me as I align with my personal vision.”

Hard Work:

  • “I am dedicated, motivated, and incredibly hardworking.”
  • “Hard work comes naturally to me, leading me to remarkable achievements.”
  • “I embrace challenges and persist with relentless effort and dedication.”
  • “I have an endless supply of tenacity and resilience.”
  • “My hard work naturally leads to great results.”
  • “I am committed to my goals and nothing can deter me.”
  • “Through persistence and dedication, I achieve greatness.”

Making Affirmations Permanent:

  • “This confidence is now deeply rooted in me.”
  • “My ability to attract wealth is permanently ingrained in my subconscious.”
  • “This newfound positivity will now be a permanent aspect of my character.”
  • “My newfound joy is here to stay and enrich my life forever.”
  • “This vibrant health is now a permanent part of my life.”
  • “I am perpetually surrounded by abundance and success.”
  • “The strength and wisdom I’ve gained are deeply embedded in my soul.”

Gratitude and Positivity:

  • “My life is a reflection of the joy and gratitude I feel daily.”
  • “I see the world with a heart full of gratitude and a positive mindset.”
  • “Every day, I find more things to be grateful for.”

Bonus Tip

Before we wrap up, here’s a bonus tip that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your affirmations. When saying affirmations, do it out loud, but with ease. The key is to speak without strain or effort. Don’t worry too much about pronunciation or projecting your voice. Instead, say them in a droning, monotone voice, yet with conviction. This method helps in reducing the conscious mind’s interference, allowing the affirmation to sink deeply into your subconscious.

In situations where speaking out loud isn’t appropriate, you can whisper the affirmations. If whispering is also not an option, silently move your lips to the words of the affirmation.

Remember, the goal is to transform your affirmation into an autosuggestion, into an internalized subconscious state. This is done purely by the subconscious and is not something you can force upon it.


To wrap up, remember that affirmations are a potent tool for manifestation. The best times to practice them are just before you go to bed at night and first thing in the morning before you rise. These moments are particularly powerful as your subconscious mind is more receptive. Of course, feel free to also fit in affirmation sessions throughout the day whenever you find the time.

Consistency and faith in your affirmations are key. Choose or craft an affirmation that resonates with you, integrate it into a daily routine that you follow religiously, and observe the change in your life as your affirmations get undertaken by the powerhouse of your subconscious.

Share your experiences and successes in the comments below — your story might be just what someone else needs to hear to start their own journey of manifestation through affirmations. Also, Feel free to send any feedback on this article.

Thanks for reading! And best of luck to you. I know you can do It!

Chris J.

Hi, I'm Chris. I have actively been practicing the art of manifestation for several years now, and have manifested many things in my own life. I have seen firsthand how powerful manifesting is, and how huge the result can be. On this website, I want to share my knowledge and experience from my many years of doing this and provide you with practical tips and techniques for the purpose of helping you manifest your desires and create the life that you want.

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