The “Isn’t It Wonderful” Manifestation Technique (Neville Goddard)

In this article, we will look at Neville Goddard’s “Isn’t it wonderful” technique.

Personally, I use this technique very often because of how effective it is. By simply letting my mind dwell on the feeling of “Isn’t it wonderful?” I can get results greater than I could have imagined without me ever having to fixate on a particular outcome. The subconscious mind is your deeper intelligence; it knows what you want better than you do, and it is able to open an inflow of greatness you may have never thought possible. This is what this technique can do, and that’s what I want to teach you today. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What Is The “Isn’t It Wonderful” Technique?

The “Isn’t it wonderful” technique is a manifestation technique rooted in Neville Goddard’s teachings.

It consists of capturing the overall feeling of wonder and happiness rather than focusing on specific outcomes.

To use it, you simply say to yourself, “Isn’t it wonderful! Something marvelous is happening to me now!” You ideally repeat this affirmation as you’re falling asleep.

The objective is to do this while in a drowsy state of consciousness and to immerse yourself so deeply in this positive emotional state that it impresses upon your subconscious mind.

Once impressed, the state manifests itself in your reality, thereby bringing about corresponding changes in your life, perhaps in ways you never expected.

Where Does The Technique Come From? (Case Study)

The “Isn’t it wonderful” technique comes from a story told by a woman who sent a letter to Neville. The story can be found in Chapter 7 – “Moods” in his book The Law And The Promise (1961).

In the beginning of the story, the woman describes her difficult situation: She’s out of a job, has no family support, needs a car for job hunting, is behind on her rent, doesn’t have proper clothes for her job interviews, and faces the added challenge of being 55 years old. Her bank account is nearly empty, and she has no friends to turn to for help.

To fix her troubles, the woman recounts how she was inspired by one of Neville Goddard’s lectures she attended, where he spoke about an artist who had captured the “feeling” or “word” of “isn’t it wonderful” in his own life. This inspired her to apply this technique to her own situation.

This is her explanation of how she did it:

“I began to apply this idea to my case. Instead of thinking of and imagining every article I needed, I tried to capture the ‘feeling’ that something wonderful was happening to me — not tomorrow, not next week — but right now. This I would say over and over to myself as I fell asleep, ‘Isn’t it wonderful! Something marvelous is happening to me now!’ And as I fell asleep I would feel the way I would expect to feel under such circumstances. I repeated that imaginary action and feeling for two months, night after night…”

The Law And The Promise (1961), Chapter 7

Instead of detailing every need, she focused on capturing a general feeling of something marvelous happening to her in the present moment. She reinforced this feeling by repeating the phrase, “Isn’t it wonderful! Something marvelous is happening to me now!” as she fell asleep and maintained this practice for two months.

Then things began to change. After the two months, the woman unexpectedly reconnected with a casual acquaintance. This meeting set off a chain of events that led her to receive a $2,500 check from a long-lost friend that had become wealthy. She then began to receive generous monthly checks that not only covered her basic needs but also allowed for luxuries like a new car and a spacious apartment. These checks were eventually secured for the rest of her life.

Why You Should Use The “Isn’t it Wonderful” Technique

You may ask, why this technique — what’s so special about it? Well, this technique plays directly into the hands of your subconscious, which is the true orchestrator of the magic in your life. By simply embodying the feeling of everything being wonderful, you bypass the need for specifics and unleash your subconscious to work on your behalf in ways you may have never imagined.

In my own experience, the technique isn’t about controlling every little detail — it’s about setting a stage for your subconscious to bring forth marvelous changes, indiscriminately and generously, across all areas of your life. You don’t have to know what you need; your deeper intelligence already does. I am speaking from experience when I say this! The subconscious really does know your desires better than you do.

Every time you do this technique you’re strengthening the idea that “wonderful things happen to me” in the subconscious, and the results will increasingly become stronger and stronger.

The beauty lies in its simplicity. There’s no lengthy meditation or visualization required. You just need to stir the feeling of wonder as you’re about to fall asleep and upon waking. That’s it. This uncomplicated act is your key to unlocking a state where the wonderful becomes your norm.

Give it a go. It’s easy, requires minimal time, and the results can touch every corner of your life, often when you least expect it. Isn’t that, in itself, quite wonderful?

Explanation Of How It Works

Like with any manifestation technique, its efficiency lies in the technique’s ability to impress a new state onto the subconscious mind. In the “Isn’t it Wonderful” technique, this is achieved through a combination of several key factors that make it work:

  • Relaxed State of Consciousness: When you’re practicing this technique, often as you’re falling asleep, you go into a relaxed mental state so that your subconscious mind rises to the surface and bypasses the “gatekeeping” function of the conscious mind.
  • Immersion in a State: The key to this method is letting your mind be entirely consumed by the emotion encapsulated in the phrase “Isn’t it wonderful.” Immersing yourself so fully in this one thought, to the exclusion of all others, causes the state to be impressed on the subconscious mind.
  • Use of Emotions: Emotions seem to have a catalyzing effect. Really immersing yourself in the emotion of “wonderfulness” increases the effect it has on your subconscious.
  • Lack of Specific Outcome: Though you can use this technique with a specific focus in mind, it doesn’t require you to do so. This absence of specificity prevents your intellect from getting in the way — no overthinking, judging, or doubting to interfere with the process. Manifestation is done by the subconscious, not the conscious mind. Since you don’t have to focus on some specific outcome, it’s easier to let your conscious mind be at rest, allowing clear access to the subconscious.

These are the main reasons why this technique works. When you use it, make sure to use the least amount of effort to immerse yourself in this emotional state to the point that there simply isn’t room in your mind for contrary thoughts and doubts. You cannot hold two thoughts at the same time. This total self-persuasion is what really makes the changes.

How To Do The “Isn’t It Wonderful” Technique

Let’s now look at how to do the technique:

  1. Find a Quiet Place: Find a place where you can comfortably relax without being distracted. Since this technique doesn’t require focus on a specific outcome, it’s ideal to do while you’re mentally and physically tired, ready to fall asleep at night.
  2. Get Into a Relaxed State: Go into a relaxed state of consciousness. Don’t be so relaxed that you fall asleep just yet or so relaxed that you cannot focus at all. That being said, there is reason to believe that even if your conscious mind is totally unaware, the subconscious is still listening. In other words, it may work to just mentally repeat and feel the phrase “Isn’t it wonderful?” even if you are not consciously aware of it.
  3. Recite the Phrase: Either out loud or mentally, tell yourself, “Isn’t it wonderful! Something marvelous is happening to me now!” If you do decide to fixate on a specific outcome you can say, “isn’t it wonderful now that I have…” and then state the particular desire you want accomplished.
  4. Emotion and Immersion: Allow the joy and wonder encapsulated in the phrase to fill you. The aim is to immerse yourself in this state, letting it permeate your mind.
  5. Drift Off To Sleep: If you’re practicing before bed, let yourself drift into sleep while doing this. Alternatively, you can come out of the exercise after a few minutes, keeping that positive emotion with you while you fall asleep shortly after. If you’re not about to sleep, simply just wake up from your meditative state and go about your daily life.
  6. Repetition: Consistency is very important. The more times you do this exercise, the more power or energy is given to this new state.

Your Objective: It’s crucial to understand that the goal is not to make something specific happen in your external world but to convey this new state to your subconscious. If you succeed in doing that, change must naturally follow. That is how the law of manifestation works. Your focus is to permeate your own mind so deeply with the feeling of “Isn’t it wonderful” that it becomes a part of you at the subconscious level. When this inner change happens, external change is inevitable.


So, this was a step-by-step guide to Neville Goddard’s “Isn’t it wonderful” technique. I’ve personally found immense value in incorporating this simple yet powerful practice into my life, and I encourage you to give it a try. Remember, the key is to capture the feeling of wonder, and letting this impress on your subconscious mind. Your subconscious will automatically cause the state to manifest in your external reality in all sorts of ways.

You’ve got nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain. As I always say, manifestation really is about doing the mental work, not just reading and intellectual knowledge. It’s about working with the deeper, subconscious part of you as this is what will get you real results. Know that if you successfully achieve a new state of consciousness, results MUST follow — this is the law of manifestation.

If you do decide to try it, I would love to hear about your experiences. Did you find it challenging to concentrate on the feeling? Did you experience any unexpected “wonderful” events afterward? Perhaps nothing happened, that’s okay too! Your insights could provide valuable perspectives for all of us.

Anyway, I hope you found this article helpful. Thanks for reading!

Chris J.

Hi, I'm Chris. I have actively been practicing the art of manifestation for several years now, and have manifested many things in my own life. I have seen firsthand how powerful manifesting is, and how huge the result can be. On this website, I want to share my knowledge and experience from my many years of doing this and provide you with practical tips and techniques for the purpose of helping you manifest your desires and create the life that you want.

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