What is Manifestation? Explained for Beginners

Have you ever heard about manifestation and wondered if it could really work for you? In this article, I want to walk you through what manifestation is all about.

We will cover:

  • What manifestation is
  • Does it work?
  • How it works
  • How to get started with it

I will say that it’s okay to be skeptical about this. I will not try to persuade you, and I do not want you to blindly accept something that you do not really believe in. Rather, I want you to try manifestation for yourself and make results the deciding factor of its validity. Reading and doing are poles apart, and the only way to reap the benefits is by the latter. So, let’s get started.

What is Manifestation?

Properly speaking, the word “manifestation” refers to the revealing, appearance, or displaying of something, often an abstract idea or concept, in perceivable form. This word can be used in many contexts. A person’s coughing may be a manifestation or symptom of flu, the painting of an artist may be a manifestation of his unique character and creativity, and a person’s violent tantrum may be the manifestation of his anger.

When we talk about how one can “manifest something,” we’re talking about the idea that one can, through a kind of transcendent or seemingly magical power, turn a purely mental idea into a tangible reality.

For example, one could become wealthy by merely thinking it into existence. The idea of wealth manifests itself in the physical world as actual wealth.

With this in mind, let’s move on to explore some of the different viewpoints or philosophies that exist on manifestation. Is it a mere psychological trick, a feel-good idea, or perhaps something else entirely?

If you are new to manifestation and want to learn it, read: “Complete Guide to Manifestation for Beginners”

Different Ways to View Manifestation

The idea that one can, through thought power alone, turn ideas into form is understood in many ways. Various opinions exist on the “mechanism” behind manifestation, the most popular of which we’ll look at now:

Philosophy 1: Law of Attraction

The maxim of the Law of Attraction is “like attracts like.” Positive thoughts and emotions attract positive outcomes, and negative thoughts and emotions attract negative outcomes. For instance, if you have a bad attitude, you send bad energy out into the universe and energy of like vibration returns to you.

But the Law of Attraction is only a secondary law behind the primary Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe is energy in vibration. Depending on the frequency with which the energy vibrates determines its form.

Thinking emits vibrations. The vibrational frequency of the thought-energy attracts corresponding energy back to it. Matter is nothing but energy vibrating at a certain frequency, so if you align your “vibrational energy” with your desire you cause the manifestation of it in physical form. For instance, if you consistently focus on being successful in your job, envisioning positive outcomes like receiving praise from your boss, getting a raise, and completing your tasks with ease, you put yourself in a vibration that will attract these positive outcomes into your life.

In my mind, the Law of Attraction, or at least the popularized understanding of it, fails to explain manifestation because it often posits unfounded or pseudoscientific claims (often related to quantum mechanics) as being the mechanism behind manifestation.

This is not to say that there might not be a lot of significant truth hidden within the depth of the Law of Attraction — because I think there is — but the modernized understanding of it doesn’t do it much justice.

Philosophy 2: Psychological Perspective

In contrast to a mystical or metaphysical interpretation, a more down-to-earth view of manifestation is that it is a psychological phenomenon. Rather than setting any supernatural laws in motion, when a person “manifests” something, they are instead focusing their own mental resources and abilities — attention, motivation, and beliefs — towards the achievement of a particular outcome.

Nothing strange is going on here. The goal that we are seemingly “manifesting” is achieved through purely natural means. A concentrated focus is developed in the mind that leads one to take more action, be more motivated, develop self-efficacy, have persistence when things get tough, and see opportunities that would have otherwise been overlooked. Manifestation is not much more than the placebo effect and cognitive bias, essentially. It works to direct one’s behavior and attitudes, but nothing supernatural is happening.

Philosophy 3: Consciousness Creates Reality

This philosophy leans on the view that consciousness itself is the primary force, the underlying reality that shapes the physical world. It is essentially the same as the idea of “Brahman” found in eastern spirituality.

A “universal mind/consciousness” (an infinite field of pure consciousness) is the substratum of the individual mind and the world. Since we all have consciousness, we all have access to this universal power. Reality is thus not passively observed but actively constructed by our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

By the intentional implantation of a thought in the universal consciousness, we can cause the manifestation of that thought in physical reality.

The difference between this view and that of the Law of Attraction is that the latter remains within the scope of the physical world, whereas the former postulates that reality goes deeper. Since consciousness is reality, there is no real causative power in the physical world, as it is merely a projection. The Law of Attraction is very often a pseudoscience, whereas the view that consciousness is reality is a philosophy neither supported nor antagonized by current science.

You do not have to agree with or disregard any of these three. It’s okay, and perhaps best, to remain neutral. After all, you’ve believed one thing your entire life, are you now to accept some radical position like this upon blind faith?

Again, I stress that you should test manifestation with an open mind and see what happens. Maybe you find that you agree more with the second philosophy (that manifestation is nothing but a technique to focus your own mental faculties on a goal), or maybe you find that there actually are powers extending even beyond that.

Does Manifestation Even Work?

Intriguing as it is, the true effectiveness of manifestation is something only understood through personal experience — a point I emphasize further in the article “Does Manifestation Actually Work? An Exploration.” Sure, theories and testimonials can be read and studied, but they pale in comparison to firsthand knowledge. If you’re genuinely curious about the power of manifestation, the most compelling evidence will come from your own experiments with it. Like any skill, it will take practice and it will take time, but giving it an honest go for a significant period of time can yield outstanding results.

Skepticism is natural, especially in the face of claims that seem too good to be true. If you find yourself doubting, consider this: at the very least, engaging in manifestation practices will not mean you have to give up any other of your goal-achieving methods. You really have nothing to lose. In the best-case scenario, it is as transformative as I claim it is, and in the worst-case scenario, nothing happens. The potential gain significantly outweighs the risks of simply trying.

But as you may find, if you stick with manifestation, dedicate yourself to experimenting with it, and put forth your best effort, you will eventually tap into something quite extraordinary — into a transcendental force hidden in your own being that holds has power and intelligence beyond the scope of your comprehension.

Manifestation is as much about self-discovery as it is about achieving your goals. Whether you find it to be a mystical, spiritual practice or you merely conclude it to be a psychological mechanism for reorienting your behavior, the process of experimenting with manifestation can lead to profound insights into the workings of the mind. It will no doubt show you that you are, one way or another, puppeteered from the deeper layers of your mind. Experimentation is the best way to learn and the only way to get results.

What Manifestation Can Do For You

Manifestation opens the door to the achievement of your deepest desires — it can make absolutely stunning changes in your life.

There is a hidden force within you, a force that most people are unaware of. Manifestation is the act of tapping into and wielding this force for your own individual desires. Everything from inner peace to the attainment of riches, manifestation offers a path to the actualization of your true potential.

Common Manifestation Practices

Various practices are commonly employed in manifestation. Each of these practices has their own unique focus and method. Here’s an overview of some commonly used manifestation techniques:

  1. Visualization: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your life as if you’ve already achieved your goals. Picture what you’re doing, who you’re with, and how you feel.
  2. Affirmations: These are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, which can help to reinforce a positive idea in your mind so that idea will be manifested. For example, if your goal is to become more confident, you might use an affirmation like, “I am confident and capable in all that I do.” Affirmations are most effective when repeated regularly.
  3. Gratitude Journaling: Keeping a gratitude journal means writing down things you are thankful for each day. This takes your focus away from what you’re lacking to what you actually have going for you, turning your mindset into one of gratitude. Gratitude is said to be a powerful emotion in the use of manifestation.
  4. Meditation: Meditation is a way to “connect” with that deeper power within you. Even just a few minutes a day can make a difference. During meditation, techniques like visualization and affirmation become more effective as your mind is more receptive.

Remember, the effectiveness of these practices often depends on your consistency and belief in the process. They are methods of handing over your desire to that creative mechanism, whatever it may be, which is how the mental desire gets physically realized.

Do You Have to Take Action in Manifestation?

When it comes to manifestation, the question of whether action is necessary often arises. The straightforward answer is “yes,” but it’s a bit more nuanced than that. There is a subtle dance between “letting go” and taking action.

Manifestation isn’t about wishing for something and then waiting until it falls in your lap. There is, first and foremost, the “mental work,” if you could call it that. You have to do things like visualization, affirmation, meditation, and so on. You have to engage in the various manifestation techniques and exercises actively, and this takes discipline.

Then there’s also “outer action” — the actions you take in everyday life. These matter, too, but here it’s a bit different. When you initiate a manifestation and you then take action, it’s as if you’re being guided in a grander scheme, like a chess piece strategically moved on a chessboard. Imagine manifestation as the process of a path unfolding before you, a path leading you toward your objective. Your role isn’t to forge the path forcibly but to recognize and walk along it as it reveals itself. The path opens by itself, but you have to do the walking.

In other words, when some opportunity arises that you think could lead to your goal, take it. If you feel inspired or compelled to do something, do it. The actions you take are part of a greater orchestration. Manifestation does not encourage laziness — far from it. You have to be willing to change (to do the mental work), and you have to be willing to walk the path put in front of you.

How Long Does it Take to Get Results?

While it’s possible to see results from manifestation quickly, in most cases, it requires practice and persistence over time.

There aren’t really any shortcuts. The timeline can vary depending on the nature of your goals and your consistency in practicing manifestation techniques. It will all depend on you. If you earnestly try and keep trying while not letting yourself get led astray by information overload or get discouraged by repeated failure, you do not have to struggle for years as I did.

Should You Give Manifestation a Try?

If you’re even a little bit curious about manifestation, it’s worth giving it a shot. You can start in a way that feels safe and balanced, where you won’t feel at a loss if things don’t turn out exactly as you hoped. Remember, practicing manifestation doesn’t mean you have to give up everything; you just have to incorporate some additional routines and exercises that you’ll need to stick to religiously.

Commitment is key, though, and you still have to be serious about it to see results. So, if you’re ready to commit, why not start today and see what happens?

Getting Started With Manifestation

So, now that you have an idea of what manifestation is, how do you get started? Here, I’ll share some advice and resources for the complete beginner. For a more hands-on guide, I highly recommend checking out my article “Learning to Manifest as a Beginner,” which focuses on practical steps for beginners.

Tips For Getting Started

  1. Commit Fully: Approach manifestation with dedication. It requires consistency and persistence, much like building muscles or developing a skill. Regular practice and attention are key.
  2. Balance with Other Goal-Achieving Tasks: It’s okay and often necessary to continue with other goal-achieving tasks and responsibilities in your life. If you feel pressured that your manifestation “has to work,” this pressure can actually work against you. You can lessen the burden by not putting all eggs in one basket until you see for yourself that manifestation works.
  3. Focus on Practice Over Knowledge: While understanding the principles of manifestation is important, the practice is what truly makes a difference. Engage regularly in manifestation techniques and meditation. The inner changes required go deeper than the intellectual level of your mind.
  4. Pro Tip – Explore Hypnosis and Self-Suggestion: Studying topics like hypnosis and self-suggestion can provide deeper insights into how the mind works and how you can influence the deeper subconscious parts of you.

These are the main things you need in mind to get started. The most important thing is you get started doing the “mental work,” and that you don’t let yourself overwhelm by the oceans of information out there on the topic.

Books and Resources for Beginners:

While it’s not mandatory to read books to start manifesting, I believe the following selections offer unique insights into the process. Each book presents the concept of manifestation in different yet enlightening ways:

If you want to explore a more advanced topic read this article:


Now that we’ve unfolded the basics of manifestation, the next step is in your hands. If you’re curious and ready to discover the power of manifestation for yourself, why not start now?

Remember, it’s all about taking that first step with an open mind and a willing heart. Experiment with the techniques, accept the learning process, and let your personal experiences be your guide. Who knows what transformations await you on this journey? Start manifesting today and see where it takes you!

Chris J.

Hi, I'm Chris. I have actively been practicing the art of manifestation for several years now, and have manifested many things in my own life. I have seen firsthand how powerful manifesting is, and how huge the result can be. On this website, I want to share my knowledge and experience from my many years of doing this and provide you with practical tips and techniques for the purpose of helping you manifest your desires and create the life that you want.

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