The 5 Best Manifestation Methods and Techniques

In this analysis, we will take a look at the best and most effective manifestation techniques.

Techniques or methods, in and of themselves, have no power. They are mere patterns that, if followed, activate a creative power hidden in the depths of your being — a power that then takes the goal given to it and turns it into physical fact. That can be demonstrated to oneself through the practice of these techniques.

Choosing the Right Technique

Selecting a manifestation technique is a subjective process. It should be tailored to your individuality and psychological makeup.

While each technique listed herein has been validated for its effectiveness, I want you to choose one or two you think best fits you. Commit to them with tireless consistency, without skipping a single day, and I am convinced that you will get results of some kind.

The Best Manifestation Methods/Techniques

1. Visualization

Visualization emerges as a premier citizen when it comes to manifestation. It is a faculty we used extensively as kids and one that still makes up a large part of our thinking as adults.

It is said that around 80% of our sensory perception is visual. Visual imagery — real or imaginary — no doubt has a strong influence on the subconscious, hence its effectiveness in manifestation. Through visualization, we can shape an image of what we want, and then implant that vision as suggestion in the subconscious.

The manner of visualization required for success in manifestation distinguishes itself from daydreaming; it is a far more purposeful and focused activity.

How to Use Visualization

Here is how to use visualization for manifestation:

  • Enter a relaxed state of mind and body (this helps you focus and amplifies suggestibility).
  • Once in this state, begin visualizing in any way, shape, or form you like. You can either:
    • Visualize something realistic — a real-world scene that would take place, were your particular goal now a realized fact.
    • Visualize allegorical imagery — for example, planting the seed of your desire in the fertile ground of the subconscious.
    • Visualize abstract imagery — for example, visualizing thoughts as “energy forms,” and other abstractions that really only make sense to the one visualizing.
  • The degree of concentration, the confidence in the thing visualized, and the level of suggestibility you’re in will determine the impact on the subconscious.

Visualization is a great option, even if one can not produce vivid and detailed imagery. But if you find visualizing a strenuous task, it is perfectly fine and perfectly reasonable to choose another technique.

For more details on visualization: check out my article “How to use visualization for manifestation,” or continue with “The SATS technique” below.

2. The SATS Technique

The SATS (State Akin to Sleep) technique was developed and used by Neville Goddard. The foremost step is entering a relaxed, meditative state that borders on sleep — a “state akin to sleep” as he often called it.

Within this deeply relaxed state, you perform an “imaginal act.” You visualize and feel yourself into a scenario where your desired goal is now an accomplished fact.

This method lays its effectiveness on immersion and complete concentration into the sensory and emotional experience of your wish fulfilled — this impresses the subconscious which is the condition we’re looking for.

How to Do the SATS Technique

To practice the SATS technique, follow these steps:

  • Enter a “state akin to sleep by relaxing deeply in a comfortable position — ideally, as you are in your bed ready to sleep.
    Focus on your breath or use another relaxation technique to reach a drowsy state but where you are still conscious and attentive.
  • Once you have achieved this state, perform the imaginal act where your goal is now already a realized fact. It is crucial to visualize this scene from the first-person point of view — seeing it through your own eyes, as if you are living it in that moment. Engage all your senses, and immerse yourself in it. Feel that the scene imagined is real.
    If your goal is to secure a new job, imagine the moment of shaking hands with your new boss. Feel the firmness of the handshake, see the welcoming smile on their face, hear the words of congratulations, and immerse yourself in the feeling of achievement and gratitude. The key is to embody the reality of the scene as if it were happening right now.
  • Fall asleep as you loop the scene. If you cannot do so, let yourself fall asleep shortly after.

For those interested, I have a detailed guide on how to the perform SATS technique.

3. Affirmations

An affirmation sums up your desire in a short condensed phrase — a phrase that can easily be repeated and is easily memorized.

For example, one might wish to be more productive. Through repeated use of a simple affirmation “I am becoming more and more productive,” this idea begins to take root, and you will find it becoming a reality.

The subconscious will respond to any verbal suggestion even if it is not packaged in a short affirmation. One could talk to the subconscious as if it were a distinct entity, and say: “I want you to do so that I become more and more productive each day. No matter how tired I may feel, I get my work done…” detailing the various aspects of the goal. A short, easily digested affirmation, however, still seems to be the most effective method of verbal suggestion, and it is the one I recommend you do.

How to Use Affirmations for Manifesting

Follow these steps:

  • Close your eyes, relax, and turn your attention within.
  • Choose a simple affirmation that aligns with your goal. Repeat it, focusing on its meaning and feeling its truth.
  • Concentrate on the recited affirmation — let it permeate your mind. It should be as if you are deeply immersed or almost hypnotized by the repeated affirmation.
  • Repeat this practice multiple times a day.

If you feel that affirmations is the right option, I encourage you to read these two articles:

4. The Lullaby Method

In this method simple affirmations are used as lullabies — they are repeated in a slow, droning, effortless manner until sleep ensues.

This method uses the drowsy state that occurs naturally before sleep. Here the faculties of the conscious mind have lessened their rigid hold and the subconscious has become accessible. The lullaby is repeated over and over again in a relaxing way. Paired with the natural state of receptivity, a mental condition is formed where the desire will easily sink into the subconscious.

How to Do the Lullaby Method

  • Distill your desire into a concise, memorable phrase. This affirmation should be simple and rhythmic, and easy to repeat. This will give it a lulling effect.
  • As you get ready to sleep, ensure you’re in a comfortable position to facilitate relaxation and eventual sleep.
  • Similar to counting sheep, gently repeat your chosen affirmation in a simple, rhythmic manner. The goal is not to focus intensely but to let the words flow effortlessly, almost automatically, guiding you into a state of relaxation and sleep.
  • Repeat this every night. Likewise, as you awaken, repeat it again, before getting out of bed.

I talk more about the Lullaby Method in this article.

A very similar method to this one is Neville Goddard’s “Isn’t it wonderful” method. It’s an almost identical process except you are to immerse yourself in the emotion of “wonderfulness.”

5. Gratitude

Emotions enhance thoughts of a corresponding nature. When one is sad or angry, negative thoughts seem to affect us to a greater extent than otherwise, only fueling the negative emotion.

When we are absorbed in a state of gratitude we are susceptible to suggestions of that nature — positive, desirable, and constructive thoughts more easily transform themselves into suggestions.

We can use this principle to our advantage when manifesting; if we voluntarily saturate our visualization or affirmation session with a deep sense of gratitude, we amplify their potency.

How to Use Gratitude in Manifestation

  • Go into a relaxed state of mind, as discussed in earlier sections.
  • Use the methods of affirmation or visualization, or simply think and feel your desire.
  • As you do, bathe it in a feeling of gratitude, letting this sensation fill your mind.
  • If you do not have a specific goal in mind, you can simply feel and immerse yourself in the emotion of gratitude, without tying it to any goal in particular. This will give the suggestion of general improvement rather than a specific outcome.

If you want to learn more about gratitude, read: “The role of gratitude in manifestation.”

What Makes a Manifestation Method Effective?

A manifestation method is effective only if it does this: implants the suggestion of your desire upon the subconscious. That is all there is to it.

Too often, when we think we are directed by our own free will, we are actually acting in accordance with a, often negative, suggestion in the subconscious. The subconscious is a wild horse that we must learn to tame, rather than letting it run our lives into the ditches. This is attained when we learn self-suggestion.

So, when a manifestation technique enables the development of a new subconscious suggestion, you can consider it effective.

Simplicity is the Answer

It’s easy to assume that the solution must be complicated — we do not expect to find it in a simple, seemingly childish, daily practice. But as a general rule, simple techniques are more effective. Complex techniques may stimulate the intellect, but what we want is to call upon a more primordial power.

How to Get Results

This advice applies to all manifestation techniques:

  • “Self-hypnosis” and Concentration: Achieving a state of self-trance through meditation enhances the mind’s receptivity to new ideas by quieting the conscious mind’s critical barriers. Regular meditation will train you to achieve these states more easily.
  • The Law of Reversed Effort: In the realm of manifestation and the mind, strong effort to think one thing gives the suggestion of resistance. Instead, one should adopt a state of confidence that the thing desired will be achieved, coupled with relaxed concentration on that thought.
  • Letting Go: Following in the footsteps of the law of reversed effort, after setting an intention, one should trust the process, letting it unfold in its own way, without letting the conscious will and intellect hinder it. Will and intellect no doubt are invaluable aspects of the mind, but in manifestation, we turn them into hindrances in that we try to give them a task greater than their ability to bear.


The “reprogramming” of the subconscious requires not only the right techniques but also regular and disciplined practice.

  • Regular practice improves the ability to enter meditative states, focus the mind, and perfect your method.
  • Through repetition, the thing gets carved deeper and deeper into the subconscious.
  • Continued engagement with these practices deepens one’s understanding of the mind’s workings, revealing insights that can only be discovered by first-hand experience.

Regular practice is the most important. Even if your method is imperfect, repetition with a somewhat decent method can and will produce results.


As we conclude this analysis, I would like to re-emphasize that you should choose one or two techniques based on what you think best fits you. Then commit to them, and practice them as if they were rituals.

Like I always emphasize at the end of these articles, results, progress, and true learning only comes when you begin experimenting with this — a point that I cannot draw attention to enough! Do not be discouraged if you encounter a little bit of failure. Learning to manifest simply does take practice and training. It is neither a shortcut nor a magic trick.

Anyways, for those eager to dive deeper into mastering these methods, I encourage you to explore further resources and guides provided in this article. If you have any feedback, comments, or questions feel free to contact me. I hope you found this article helpful. Thanks for reading.

Chris J.

Hi, I'm Chris. I have actively been practicing the art of manifestation for several years now, and have manifested many things in my own life. I have seen firsthand how powerful manifesting is, and how huge the result can be. On this website, I want to share my knowledge and experience from my many years of doing this and provide you with practical tips and techniques for the purpose of helping you manifest your desires and create the life that you want.

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